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Future photovoltaic power plants, like cars, will be standar

Release time:2017/08/28 Click:
In 2017 the government work report, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that in 2017 to eliminate, unfinished coal production capacity more than 50 million kilowatts, to prevent and defuse the risk of overcapacity coal, the coal industry to improve efficiency, to make room for clean energy development.
This is a good news for the photovoltaic industry. Coal, energy, and photovoltaic, as clean energy, have always been associated with this. Solar energy flows continuously, inexhaustible, and through photovoltaic power generation, energy saving and emission reduction can effectively improve the environment and reduce haze. The premier's report means that an energy revolution is going on in china.
Some experts pointed out that the current development trend of photovoltaic, with the same year the development of the car, 20 years ago, who would have thought that the car will be so popular, become a household necessity?. Future PV will also explosive growth, and gradually into the tens of thousands of households, become our family standard!
Then why will the government vigorously support photovoltaic power generation, and make it into every household? Small box below for us to analyze.
First, it brings about a change in lifestyle
The electricity supply companies do not spend money, lose electricity, national and local and extra subsidies.
The state has allocated 0.42 yuan / kWh of power generation measurement and subsidies to the distributed photovoltaic power generation project which has been used by itself for more than 20 hours.
Subsidies are regularly paid to owners' bank cards by the grid. That is to say, the residents do not use electricity, they do not spend money, the surplus electricity can be sold to power supply companies, and the state has additional subsidies.
Two, it can become rich, contemporary, for the benefit of children
At present, our country is facing serious environmental pressure, in early December of last year, nearly half the country Chinese different degrees of fog and haze.
Even Premier Li Keqiang in February this year's executive meeting of the State Council, said, "to fight a war of fog and haze control battle, protracted war."".
As a clean energy that meets the future trend, photovoltaic is an effective substitute for coal energy. With an installed capacity of 3 kilowatts of small distributed power generation system as an example, the annual generating capacity of 4380 degrees, 25 years can be generating 109500 degrees, equivalent to saving 36.5 tons of standard coal, 94.9 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, 0.8 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions.
Three, it can bring tangible benefits to the people
Poverty alleviation is the focus of building a well-off society in 2020, and ensuring the poverty of 70 million people out of poverty on schedule is a solemn commitment of the Xiang Quan world of the country. The state promotes accurate poverty alleviation, according to local conditions, finds a breakthrough, and puts poverty alleviation resources into the most suitable and needy households. China's photovoltaic technology leader, large-scale, photovoltaic poverty alleviation has laid a solid foundation. Photovoltaic poverty can maximize wasteland, sunshine conditions are good resources in poor areas, the real implementation of poverty alleviation projects by "blood transfusion" to "blood type", and enhance self-development ability of poor people.
We all know that the state subsidies for photovoltaic power generation 0.42 yuan per kilowatt hour, and 2017 continued in 2016 policy, did not cut subsidies standards, which allows people to feel the country's attention to distributed PV attitude.  Photovoltaic power generation costs are constantly underground, subsidies are not down, people can enjoy more benefits.
Integrated photovoltaic power generation yield can reach 15%, much higher than bank deposits, and even many financial products on the market.
Four, it can be suitable for the elderly, to help children reduce the burden
Since 2000, China has entered the old age society, and the trend of "getting old" is developing at the speed of running. By the end of 2010, the population aged 60 and over reached 178 million. According to the law of population inertia, the size of China's elderly population will exceed 300 million in 2026, and it will reach 440 million in 2050, accounting for about 30% of the total population. The burden on the elderly is evident. At the same time, 1/3 of the elderly population will increasingly become an important part of society.
However, the present situation of retirement in China is worrying. Since the one-child policy was implemented in 1979, the parents of the first generation of only children in China have begun to go into old age. They are different from their parents, and their only children will shoulder the important task of supporting them. Now, more and more families will have "421" structures for 4 elderly people, 1 couples and 1 children. About twenty years later, when the third generation's only child grows up, there may be a couple with 12 elderly people on it. The burden of young people's pension will never be greater than the pressure.
Photovoltaic power generation, a one-time investment of 25 years of stable income, stable cash flow, every month or quarter can receive money, as with pensions, is very suitable for pension.
No loss of photovoltaic power generation equipment, usually only need to sweep the leaves on the photovoltaic panels and dust. In the countryside, the elderly and children can maintain good Oh, save trouble, so it is suitable for photovoltaic endowment.
Now the environment a lot of pressure, the pressure of the economic transformation of local people to become rich, the demand is more intense, the PV meets the needs of intelligent life in the future, with the development of technology, the cost of photovoltaic installation has been gradually reduced, become more close to the people. Meet the above points, photovoltaic natural become the focus of national support projects, but also the future of every household standard.