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Provisions on the administration of grid connected photovolt

Release time:2017/08/28 Click:
Chapter I General Provisions
         The first is to further support Jiangsu province to accelerate the development of distributed photovoltaic power generation, specification of distributed PV grid management, improve the service level, according to the relevant national laws and regulations and technical standards, the national Power Grid Corp "on a distributed PV grid service work advice (Provisional)", "on the promotion of distributed photovoltaic power generation and network management advice (Interim)" and "distributed photovoltaic power generation connected to the distribution network related technical regulations (Provisional)", combined with the practice of Jiangsu power grid, according to an outside, the optimization process, simplify procedures, grid grid to improve the service efficiency principle, the enactment of this provision.
          Second distributed photovoltaic power generation is located near the user, the power can be used locally, with 10 (20) kV and below voltage connected to the grid, photovoltaic power generation projects and the single point does not exceed the total installed capacity of 6 MW.
           Third to 10 (20) access voltage level to 10 kV or above (20) kV voltage level to boost access but out of the photovoltaic power generation projects, photovoltaic power generation projects and individual outlets total installed capacity of 6 MW and above, according to the nature of the project (public power owned power plant power plant or enterprise), according to the national Power Grid Corp, the company management regulations related to the conventional power supply.
           Fourth distributed photovoltaic power generation projects connected to the public power grid, access systems engineering and access to the public power grid transformation, part of the investment by the provincial construction company. The distributed photovoltaic power generation project with access to the user side shall be invested and constructed by the project owner, and the transformation of the public power grid caused by the access shall be invested and constructed by the power supply company. By the provincial company to invest in the construction of parts, the corresponding projects in the year 10 (20) kV and below the distribution network projects. The project involves materials, according to the existing distribution network materials procurement model into the company's unified material tender platform procurement, priority should be given to the use of agreement, inventory, procurement methods.
           Fifth distributed photovoltaic power generation project and network power quality should comply with national standards, engineering design and construction shall meet the national standard "standard" and "design of photovoltaic power station photovoltaic power station construction standards" etc..
            In sixth places (i.e. internal user access user side) of the distributed photovoltaic power generation projects, power generation can be the Internet, all occupied or spontaneous power over the Internet, self selected by the user, the user is provided by the lack of power grid enterprises. The upper and lower network power is settled separately, and the electricity price is carried out by the government. The funds allocated to the partly occupied power of the distributed PV power station shall be implemented according to the relevant policies of the government.
             Seventh distributed photovoltaic power generation project, free system reserve capacity fee. The power supply company does not charge any fees in the whole process of the acceptance of the network connection, the formulation of the access system, the signing of the contract and agreement, the acceptance of the grid connection and the whole process of commissioning.

The second chapter management principle
              Eighth distributed photovoltaic power generation project management work, must be fully implemented the "four services" purpose, earnestly implement the state laws and regulations, standards, procedures and related power supply regulatory requirements.
             Ninth, the power supply companies should actively provide convenient conditions for the distribution of photovoltaic power generation project access to the grid, to access the system construction projects to open up a green channel. The establishment of distributed photovoltaic power generation project effective network management system and coordination mechanism, formulate emergency plan of photovoltaic power generation emergency service, implement the service quality supervision and monitoring of public opinion, proper and timely disposal of project owner complaints.
The third chapter management responsibilities
First, save company responsibility
         Tenth development planning department is responsible for collecting and reporting information of distributed PV, grid information includes information related to various stages of pre construction, access, access and contract agreement, acceptance, parallel operation of distributed grid connected photovoltaic power generation projects; responsible for guiding the city signed a distributed photovoltaic power generation projects, the total generating capacity of the Internet purchase and sale electric contract.
          Eleventh Sales Department (the agricultural department) is responsible for the service supervision, quality control and management assessment of the work at all levels of power supply company; responsible for the jurisdiction of distributed PV and consulting services to carry out the work of supervision and inspection, statistics and analysis.
           Twelfth responsible for the operation and maintenance overhaul power grid project management network requirements involving clear distributed photovoltaic power generation projects; responsible for the formulation and improvement of distributed photovoltaic power generation project access technology standard or regulations; responsible for the development of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects and networks involved in management access engineering; responsible for the operation and management of distribution network provides for distributed photovoltaic power generation project related.
             The thirteenth financial assets department is responsible for formulating the measures for the settlement of the power supply on the distributed photovoltaic power generation project, and is responsible for the payment of the power supply for the distributed PV power generation.

             The fourteenth economic and legal department is responsible for the legal guidance of the contract for the purchase and sale of electricity in the distributed photovoltaic power generation project and the dispatching of the grid connected agreement.
             The fifteenth dispatching control center is responsible for guiding the city, company, dispatching and control center to carry out the work of signing the grid connected dispatching agreement.
               Sixteenth power trading center is responsible for reviewing the distribution of electricity and electricity settlement of the distributed photovoltaic power generation project.
                Seventeenth provinces, the institute through the Institute responsible for the guidance of the city company distributed photovoltaic power generation project access system programming; is responsible for guiding the local city company distributed photovoltaic power generation network acceptance.
               Eighteenth power supply service center is responsible for collecting, sorting, distributed photovoltaic power generation project grid involves policies and regulations, standard information system, establish and update the knowledge base, 95598 service sites; responsible for acceptance of distributed PV project consultation; responsible for service quality, public opinion collection and reporting.
The second section is the responsibility of the local company
            Nineteenth development planning department is responsible for organizing the examination of 10 (20) access system scheme of kV distributed photovoltaic power generation projects, access to the grid issued letter of advice, and reported to the provincial development planning department for the record; responsible for regularly reporting local distributed PV information; in charge of reporting of distributed PV information.
            The twentieth marketing department (customer service center) is responsible for the whole process management and coordination of the grid connected PV project. Responsible for acceptance of distributed PV project consultation; responsible for handling customer network applications; responsible for the organization authorized access system scheme of 380 volt distributed photovoltaic power generation projects; responsible for handling network acceptance and commissioning application; distributed photovoltaic power generation project is responsible for signing the purchase contract, and report to the provincial development planning department, the power grid is responsible for organizing the trading center for the record; check and adjust the arrangement, parallel operation. Responsible for gateway meter installation; operation management and monitoring data for 380 volt access distributed photovoltaic power generation project in grid; responsible for distributed photovoltaic power generation projects and networks involved in the rural power project management; responsible for the development of distributed photovoltaic power generation project grid process time statistics.

            Twenty-first maintenance maintenance department is responsible for the implementation of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects, companies involved in regulation of power grid management grid distribution network operation and management; responsible for distributed photovoltaic power generation projects and networks involved in grid engineering project and design, construction, supervision, materials procurement needs; to participate in the scheme of access system of distributed photovoltaic power generation project approval; the implementation of distributed photovoltaic power generation project access project for public power grid renovation project and access to public power grid; responsible for the sales department (customer service center) to carry out network acceptance, commissioning, start work; participate in the project after the completion of the work of financial capital.
           Twenty-second participate in the dispatching control center access system validation scheme of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects; relay protection setting calculation is responsible for scheduling within the jurisdiction of the equipment; and (20) for 10 kV distributed photovoltaic power generation project access (or customer) signed a scheduling protocol; responsible for starting and debugging program of grid dispatching equipment; assist the client program audit start; participate in network acceptance and commissioning work, responsible for 10 (20) operation management and data access monitoring kV distributed photovoltaic power generation project in grid.
            Twenty-third by the Institute responsible for access system scheme for distributed photovoltaic power generation project.

             The twenty-fourth supervision and audit department is responsible for the whole process of supervision, inspection and efficiency supervision.
             Twenty-fifth financial department responsible for distributed photovoltaic power generation project access project accounting and financial management; in charge of the project after the completion of the financial capital; according to the Province commissioned on the financial management work of other distributed photovoltaic power generation project.
           The twenty-sixth Office (Department of legal affairs) is responsible for the guidance of the filing work, and is responsible for the legal review of the purchase and sale of electricity contracts.
Third counties (cities) Company responsibilities

          Twenty-seventh, the Ministry of development and construction is responsible for regularly reporting local distributed photovoltaic grid connected information, responsible for collating and reporting distributed photovoltaic power grid connected information.
         Twenty-eighth customer service center is responsible for distributed photovoltaic power generation project for the whole process of grid management and coordination work; responsible for acceptance of distributed PV project consultation; responsible for handling customer network applications and network acceptance and commissioning; responsible for accepting the application; responsible for the signing of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects electricity purchase contracts; responsible for the organization of network acceptance and commissioning grid arrangement responsible for the operation; gateway meter installation; responsible for distributed photovoltaic power generation projects and networks involved in rural project management.
        Twenty-ninth safety transport inspection department is responsible for the related project of power grid distributed photovoltaic power generation project; the implementation of distributed photovoltaic power generation project access project for public power grid renovation project and access to public power grid; be responsible for the customer service center to carry out network acceptance, commissioning, start work.
          The setting calculation of relay protection thirtieth dispatching control center is responsible for scheduling the jurisdiction of equipment; responsible for starting and debugging program of grid dispatching equipment; internal audit program to assist customers in start-up; network acceptance and commissioning work, responsible for 10 (20) operating data monitoring kV access of distributed photovoltaic power generation project in grid.
            The thirty-first party and mass work department is responsible for the whole process of supervision, inspection and effectiveness supervision.
            The thirty-second office is responsible for the guidance of the archiving work, responsible for the purchase and sale of electricity contract legal review.
 The fourth chapter, workflow and requirements
Section 1 application and reply
Thirty-third place city company marketing department (customer service center) or county company customer service center is responsible for accepting the grid application, to assist customers to fill in the grid application form, to accept the relevant supporting documents.
Supporting documentation must include the following:
1. Original and photocopy of applicant's identity card or original of legal person's legal representative (or legal person's ID card's original and copy).
2, enterprise legal person business license (or individual household register), land certificate, property certificate and other project legitimacy support documents.
3, the Government Investment Department agreed to carry out the preliminary work of the project approval (approval of the project).
4. Related data of prophase work.