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086 510 81731999
WuXi Sunergy New Energy CO.,LTD.
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WuXi Sunergy New Energy CO.,LTD. is a distributed photovoltaic system a one-stop professional service providers, focus on the roof of photovoltaic power generation system industrial plants, commercial buildings, residential houses and other consulting, design, construction, Yun Wei, financing and other business areas, providing distributed photovoltaic one-stop solutions for customers. It is Sunergy New Energy to become a trusted leader in solar energy industry, adhere to the ...
Service Hotline:
086 510 81731999
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Provisions on the administration of grid connected
The first is to further support Jiangsu province to accelerate the development of distributed photovoltaic power generati...
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Jinyang Xinjiang Tianfu 20WM photovoltaic power station
Project Name: Xinjiang Jinyang Tianfu 20WM photovoltaic power plant installed capacity: 20.3MW project destination: Xinjiang Shihezi City 148 group 3 with farm project construction time: November 2014 -2015 May June 27, 2015 time grid category: project cooperation component within the stent and 15MW inverter electrical construction subcontract project...
Business case with us
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10KW water experiment project of Nanjing University of Technology
Project Name: installed capacity of 10KW water experiment project of Nanjing University of Technology: 10KW project destination: Institute of composite materials, Pukou campus, Nanjing University of Technology...
Zhang Zhu, Fenghuang Village, Yixing, 20.6KW
Project Name: Yixing Zhang Zhu Fenghuang Village Luo Guanliang 20.6KW installed capacity: 8.06KW, the aim of the project: Yixing City Zhang Zhu Zhen Fenghuang Village Luo Guanliang project construction time: April 2017 April 18, 2017 general categories: grid cooperation...
Jia cheng aluminum 1.07MW roof distribution
Project Name: Jia cheng 1.07MW aluminum roof distributed installed capacity: 1.07MW project destination: Jiangsu Yixing economic and Technological Development Zone No. 39 North Road, Jing Yi Jia Chen aluminum project construction time: March 2014 -2014 May June 2014 time grid partnership category: its own roof project, sub assembly support within the project...
Solar energy power supply buried sewage treatment system
Solar power supply buried sewage treatment system, Hainan City, Sanya province Tong Hai village sewage treatment station, project address: Tong Hai village, Hainan City, Sanya Province...